About the course & Learning outcomes

Course details




On successful completion of the two-year B.Ed. programme, pupil teachers will be able to develop-

1.  Teaching competency: Know, select and use of learner-centered teaching methods, understanding of paradigm shift in conceptualizing disciplinary knowledge in school curriculum, necessary competencies for organizing learning experiences, select and use of appropriate assessment strategies for facilitating learning.

2.   Pedagogical skills: Applying teaching skills and dealing with classroom problems.


3.     Teaching through Non-conventional Modes: Evolving a system of education which enhances the potential of every learner to acquire, retain and transform knowledge leading to wisdom society through creative, experiential and joyful modes of learning.

4.   Critical Thinking: Analysis of Curriculum, construction of blue print, selecting appropriate teaching strategies according to needs of students and conducting action research to solve classroom problems.

5.      Effective Communication: Presenting seminar before peer students and teachers and practicing communication skills through various linguistic activities and applying it for better classroom communication.

6.      Sensitivity towards Inclusion: Identifying the diversities and dealing it in inclusive classrooms environment, guidance and counseling programmes for disabled students.

7.         Effective Citizen Ethics: Understand different values, morality, social service and accept responsibility for the society.

8.        Self-directed Learning: Preparing scripts for seminars, lesson plans and online content.


9.           Social Resilience: Understand about social entities and enable to cope up with adverse conditions of life.

10.   Physical Development: Practice yoga, physical education and games and sports.

11.     Team Work: Enable to work as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi- disciplinary settings by following the principles of collaborative learning, cooperative learning and team teaching.





1.      Enable to understand learner and his learning environment, contemporary India and education, school management, gender, school and society.

2.      Enable to comprehend Language across the curriculum, Reading and reflecting on Texts, Drama and Art in Education, developing Communication Skills and observation of school activities by school internship.

3.      Understand the individual differences among students, measuring the attainment, evaluating progress, and assessing learning abilities, guidance and counseling programmes, educational technology, ICT and lesson planning.

4.       Practice teaching in Schools, inculcate the real experiences of classroom teaching and online teaching by using ICT and its different tools and software.

5.      Understand the classroom diversities and enable them to deal with diverse learners in inclusive classroom setup, environmental education, Field Engagements with community and Community Participation (NSS, Community Services etc.).






Course code


Course Outcomes


Education and Indian Perspective

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  know and understand the constitutional provisions in regard to the education

·  know and understand the basics/ fundamentals associated in the discipline of education and in a process to be a teacher from the Philosophical perspectives.

·  know and understand the socio cultural realities of the teacher , teaching and the teacher education

program in context of the education from the sociological perspectives .

·  know and understand the various aspects related to the teacher education in the changing Contemporary society.


Childhood and adolescence education

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  Understand the concept of growth and development.

·  Become aware of nature of individual differences.



·  Familiarise themselves with different developmental stages.

·  Understand Piaget's theory of cognitive development

·  Appreiciate Vygotsky's Socio-cultural perspective

·  Understand factors affecting personality development.


Language Competence and Communication skills

To enable the pupil teacher to:

·  develop language teaching competency

·  understand the multiple roles of language

·  analyse the position of language education in India

·  identify the processes and approaches of language teaching

·  appreciate language skills for effective communication


Educational Planning and Management

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  know and Understand the Educational Management & organizational set up and the contribution in its role.

·  Know and Understand the different Management approaches to deal with the Educational Management.

·  Know and Understand the Budget aspects of the Institutional Budget regarding the Investment and the Expenditure.

·  be skillful in organizing various human Resource Management Program for the Awareness as well as to Coordinate with the agencies.


Inclusive Education

To enable the pupil teachers to-

·  Realize the importance of inclusive education and inclusive education programmes and role of various agencies towards inclusion.

·  Know about the meaning and scope of special education

·  Understand the concept of exceptional children

·  Grasp the meaning, specific characteristics and modalities of identification of some types of exceptional learners.

·  Understand various educational intervention programmes for meeting the needs of exceptional learners.


Philosophical And Sociological Bases of Education Credits 4

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  know and understand the Indian thinkers who contributed in education .

·  know and understand the fundamentals of the western philosophy on education.

·  know and understand the different aspects of social and political set up in context of teacher education.

·  know and understand the role of education for the teachers to cement the national and

emotional integration in a multi linguistic –pluralistic society.


Teaching, Learning and Evaluation

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  Understand the meaning of psychology, child psychology & educational psychology

·  Become familiar with the different methods of studying behavior

·  Appreciate the role of a teacher in a classroom

·  Understand the concept of learning and also behaviouristic and cognitive perspective to learning



·  Become aware of importance of inclusive setting in a classroom

·  Develop understanding of different methods of learning and learning styles

·  Understand the concept of motivation and role of teachers and parents in developing motivation

·  Understand dynamics of intelligence


Educational Technology and ICT

To enable the pupil teacher to:

·  understand the nature and scope of educational technology and also about the various forms of technology

·  know the systems approach in Education and its components

·  familiar with the steps involved in the construction of programmed learning

·  describe the concept of ICT in education and appreciate the scope of ICT for improving the

personal productivity and professional competencies

·  acquaint with different approaches of ICT integration in education


Teaching of English

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  Know and understand the history & importance of Language as a second Langauage

·  know and Understand the aspects of Language & the theoretical Knowledge of the different structures of the Language

·  develop the professional competencies regarding the different aspects of Language

·  Know and Understand the different skills of of teaching English in classrooms.


Teaching of


To enable the pupil teachers to:

o  know and understand the history & importance of Sanskrit.

develop awareness of objectives of teaching Sanskrit at the Elementary and Secondary level.

o  understand the different aspects of Grammar.

o  get acquainted and frame Behavioral Objectives for teaching Poetry, Prose, Composition and Grammar in Sanskrit .

o  develop the skills of preparing and using effectively the instructional materials for the teaching of Sanskrit

o  get acquainted with the various devices of language learning.

appreciate and reflect on the contribution of contribution of Acharya Mamat,

Vishav Nath, Kali Dass


Teaching of


To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  To develop awareness of objectives of teaching Dogri at the secondary level.

·  To understand the significance of communication skills.

·  To get acquainted and frame Behavioral Objectives for teaching Poetry, Prose, Composition and Grammar in Dogri .

·  To develop the skills of preparing and using effectively the instructional materials for the teaching of Dogri.

·  To get acquainted with the various aspects of the Dogri and devices of language learning.



·  To develop diagnostic and remedial skills in teaching Dogri.


Teaching of Punjabi

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  know and understand the history & importance of Punjabi language.

·  develop awareness of objectives of teaching Punjabi at the Elementary and Secondary level.

·  understand the different aspects of Grammar.

·  get acquainted and frame Behavioral Objectives for teaching Poetry, Prose, Composition and Grammar in Punjabi .

·  develop the skills of preparing and using effectively the instructional materials for the teaching of Punjabi.

·  get acquainted with the various devices of language learning.












Teaching of Urdu










Teaching of Hindi

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  know and understand the history & importance of Urdu language

·  develop awareness of objectives of teaching Urdu at the Elementary and Secondary level.

·  understand the different aspects of Grammar

·  get acquainted and frame Behavioral Objectives for teaching Poetry, Prose, Composition and Grammar in Urdu.

·  develop the skills of preparing and using effectively the instructional materials for the teaching of Urdu .

·  get acquainted with the various devices of language learning.



हिन्दी शिक्षण के लिए सम्बन्धी योग्यताओं का विकास करना।

भावी शिक्षकों में हिन्दी भाषा शिक्षण की कुशलताओं का विकास करना

भावी शिक्षकों में भाषायी कौशलो का विकास करना

भावी हिन्दी शिक्षकों हिन्दी शिक्षण के उद्देश्यो से परिचित कराना





Teaching of Social Science

To enable the pupil teachers to:-

·  Acquaint themselves with the concept of social science as an integrated/ interdisciplinary area of study.

·  Familiarize themselves with the concept of curriculum, text-books and co-curricular activities in social sciences.

·  Develop knowledge about the basic principles governing social sciences.

·  Prepare a lesson plan. Acquire competency to prepare lesson plans for teaching social sciences.

·  Understand some important areas of social sciences.


Teaching of Physical Science

To enable the pupil teachers to :

·  Acquaint themselves with the concept of physical science.

·  Familiarize themselves with the concept of curriculum, text books and



co- curricular activities in physical science.

·  Prepare a lesson plan.

·  Understand some important areas of physical science.


Teaching of Biological Science

To enable the pupil teachers to :

·  Acquaint themselves with the concept of biological science.

·  Familiarize themselves with the concept of curriculum, text books and co- curricular activities in biological science

·  Prepare a lesson plan .

·  Understand some important areas of biological science


Teaching of Mathematics

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  study and to develop an understanding of the different aspects of Teaching Mathematics

·  study and Understand the objectives of Teaching Mathematics

·  study and Understand the Methods and Skills of Teaching Mathematics

·  study and Understand the use of Club and the teacher’s capacity making facilities in the Teaching of Mathematics


Teaching of Commerce

To enable the pupil teachers to :

·  Acquaint themselves with the concept of commerce education

·  Familiarize themselves with the concept of curriculum, text books and co- curricular activities in commerce

·  Prepare a lesson plan

·  Understand some important areas of commerce


Teaching of

Performing Art

To enable the pupil- teachers to

·  understand the importance, aims and objectives of teaching of Performing Arts

·  develop interest among pupil- teachers for Performing Arts

·  provide knowledge of different techniques of teaching of Performing Arts

·  acquaint the pupil- teacher with latest teaching skills

·  enable pupil- teachers to organize competitions and other related practical activities


Teaching of

Visual Art

To enable the pupil- teachers to

·  Develop imagination and sense of appreciation of art and interest in teaching of art.

·  Develop aesthetic sense.

·  Learn and understand the principles, concept, elements of art and to apply them in actual teaching and daily life.

·  Be acquainted with different techniques of painting, sculpture.


Teaching of Health & Physical Education

To enable the pupil- teachers to:

·  Under stand various aspects of teaching in health & physical education:

·  Develop understanding of growth and Development.

·  Learn and understand the different methods of teaching Health and Physical Education

·  Be acquainted with the importance of recreation in Physical education.


Teaching of Computer Education

To enable the pupil- teachers to

·  study and Understand the nature and scope And the history of Computer Science of Computer Science

·  develop an understanding of aims and objectives of teaching Computer



Science by the use of Content

·  develop an understanding of the various methods, approaches and techniques of teaching Computer Science.

·  develop the skill to critically analyze the syllabus of secondary school Computer Science Curriculum


Teaching of Home Science

To enable the pupil- teachers to:

·  develop understanding of the aim of teaching of Home Science

·  develop understanding of the various methods and procedures required for teaching Home Science effectively.

·  develop basic skills and competencies required for teaching of Home Science

·  develop practical skills to organize various activities related to Home Science.

·  develop skills and competencies required for preparing teaching aids in teaching of Home Science.

·  develop competencies and skill for effective evaluation in Home Science.


Action Research

To enable the pupil- teachers to:

·  Define the concept of research and action research

·  Explain the steps of action research.

·  Describe in detail the dynamics of action research in educational contexts.

·  Demonstrate development and execution of action research project.


Teaching of English

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  Know and understand the history & importance of Language as a second Langauage

·  know and Understand the aspects of Language & the theoretical Knowledge of the different structures of the Language

·  develop the professional competencies regarding the different aspects of Language

·  Know and Understand the different skills of of teaching English in classrooms.


Teaching of Sanskrit

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  hone the skill of Lesson Planning at the Secondary level.

·  understand and organize co-curricular activities for teaching of Sanskrit

·  get acquainted with the methods of teaching Sanskrit.

·  develop the skills of preparing and using effectively the instructional materials for the teaching of Sanskrit.

·  get acquainted with Principles of preparing Curriculum for Sanskrit.

·  develop diagnostic and remedial measures through Evaluation in teaching Sanskrit.


Teaching of Punjabi

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  hone the skill of Lesson Planning at the Secondary level.

·  understand and organize co-curricular activities for teaching of Punjabi.

·  get acquainted with the methods of teaching Punjabi.

·  develop the skills of preparing and using effectively the instructional



materials for the teaching of Punjabi.

·  get acquainted with Principles of preparing Curriculum for Punjabi.

·  develop diagnostic and remedial measures through Evaluation in teaching Punjabi.


Teaching of Urdu

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  hone the skill of Lesson Planning at the Secondary level.

·  understand and organize co-curricular activities for teaching of Urdu.

·  get acquainted with the methods of teaching Urdu.

·  develop the skills of preparing and using effectively the instructional materials for the teaching of Urdu.

·  get acquainted with Principles of preparing Curriculum for Urdu.

·  develop diagnostic and remedial measures through Evaluation in teaching Urdu.


Teaching of Dogri

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  hone the skill of Lesson Planning at the Secondary level.

·  understand and organize co-curricular activities for teaching of Dogri.

·  get acquainted with the methods of teaching Dogri.

·  develop the skills of preparing and using effectively the instructional materials for the teaching of Dogri.

·  get acquainted with Principles of preparing Curriculum for Dogri.

·  develop diagnostic and remedial measures through Evaluation in teaching Dogri.



Teaching in Hindi


हिन्दी शिक्षण के लिए सम्बन्धी योग्यताओं का विकास करना।

भावी शिक्षकों में हिन्दी भाषा शिक्षण की कुशलताओं का विकास करना।

आधुनिक शिक्षण विधियों के उचित प्रयोग के बारे में भावी शिक्षकों को परिचित करवाना।

हिन्दी शिक्षण में सहायक सामग्री के निर्माण और प्रयोग की योग्यता का विकास करना ।

भावी शिक्षकों में मूल्यांकन क्षमता का विकास करना ।



Teaching of Social Science

To enable the pupil teachers to:-

·  Develop a broad understanding of social science.

·  Develop teaching competencies related to social science at secondary level.

·  Become effective teachers in order to perform desired role as a social science teacher.

·  Familiarize themselves with the type of audio-visual aids and acquire the



ability to develop and use them.

·  Familiarize themselves with the techniques and methods of teaching required for teaching of social science.

·  Evaluate students performance.



Teaching of Physical Science

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  Develop a broad understanding of physical science.

·  Develop teaching competencies related to physical science at secondary level.

·  Become effective teachers in order to perform desired role as a physical science teacher.

·  Familiarize themselves with the type of audio visual aids, techniques and methods of

teaching required for teaching of physical science.

·  Evaluate students performance and provide remedial teaching.


Teaching of Biological Science

To enable the pupil teachers to:

o  Develop a broad understanding of biological science.

o  Develop teaching competencies related to biological science at secondary level.

o  Become effective teachers in order to perform desired role as a biological science teacher.

o  Familiarize themselves with the type of audio visual aids, techniques and methods of teaching required for teaching of biological science.

o  Evaluate students performance and provide remedial teaching


Teaching of Home Science

To enable the student teachers to:

o  develop practical skills to organize various activities related to Home Science.

o  develop skills and competencies required for preparing teaching aids in teaching of Home Science.

o  develop competencies and skill for effective evaluation in Home Science.


Teaching in Commerce

To enable the pupil teachers to:

o  Develop a broad understanding of commerce.

o  Develop teaching competencies related to commerce at secondary level.

o  Become effective teachers in order to perform desired role as commerce teacher.

o  Familiarize themselves with the type of audio visual aids, techniques and methods of teaching required for teaching of commerce.

o  Evaluate students performance and provide remedial teaching.


Teaching of Performing Art

To enable the pupil- teacher to

o  understand the importance, aims and objectives of teaching of Performing Arts

o  develop the interest among pupil- teacher for teaching of Performing Arts

o  provide knowledge of different techniques of teaching of Performing Arts

o  acquaint the pupil- teacher with latest teaching skills related with Performing Arts

o  enable pupil- teacher to organize competitions and other related practical





Visual Art

To enable the pupil teachers to:

o  Develop imagination and sense of appreciation of art and interest in teaching of art.

o  Develop aesthetic sense.

o  Learn and understand the principles, concept, elements of art and to apply them in actual teaching and daily life.

o  Be acquainted with different techniques of painting, sculpture.


Teaching of Computer Education

To enable the pupil teachers to:

·  study and understand the resources for teaching Computer Science

·  study and understand the skills in teaching of the computer skills to the students teachers for programming and Networking.

·  study and understand the skill in organizing extended curricular activities in Computer Science

·  study and understand the skill in preparing special programs for gifted and slow learners develop the skill in critical analysis of the text books and

question papers of secondary school Computer Science


Teaching of Health & Physical Education

To enable the pupil- teachers to:

·  Under stand various aspects of evalutation in health & physical education:

·  Develop understanding of Personal Hygiene.

·  Learn and understand the different methods of teaching Health and Physical Education

·  Be acquainted with the organization of activities in Physical education.


Teaching of Mathematics

To enable the pupil- teachers to:

·  study and Understand the different teaching aids in the Teaching of Mathematics

·  study and Understand the different techniques for the evaluation of the students of Mathematics

·  study and Evaluate the Student’s Performance in Mathematics through the use of the scientific tools.


Environment Education & Disaster Management

To enable the pupil- teachers to:

·  understand the need of environmental Education.

·  develop a sense of Awareness about the environmental pollution and possible hazards and its causes and remedies.

·  know various ways and means top create healthy environment.

·  acquire knowledge about disaster management.


Teacher Education

To enable the student-teachers to:

·  develop an understanding about teacher education

·  know about pre-service and in-service teacher training agencies

·  know and apply various instructional techniques

·  appreciate the process of research in teacher education


Optional Papers (A- History of Education)

To enable the student-teachers to:

·  acquire knowledge of ancient, medieval and British system of education in India.



·  understand the contribution of major committees and commissions on education.

·  appreciate the developments in Indian education during the post– independence era.

·  develop an understanding regarding constitutional provisions for education of different sections of society.

·  assess the achievements of different programmes for the universalisation of Education initiated in Jammu and Kashmir state.


Optional Papers (B- Health & Physical Education)

To enable Pupil-teachers to-

·  understand the concept, aims and objectives of Health& Physical Education

·  analyze various dimensions & determinants of Health& Physical Education

·  know the concept and importance of balanced diet

·  be familiar with personal hygiene

·  describe the role Teachers in the development of Health& Physical Education


Optional Papers (C- Value & Peace Education)

To enable the pupil teacher to:

·  understand the concept of peace education

·  explain the need for Peace Education to foster National and International Understanding

·  understand the concept, importance and need of human rights

·  comprehend the role of the Education in human rights


Optional Papers (D- Guidance & Counseling)

To enable the pupil- teachers to:

·  To enable the students to understand the concept of guidance and counselling.

·  To acquaint students about different agencies for guidance.

·  To understand the role of parents, teachers, school administrator and family to solve behavioural problems of students.

·  To know about different strategies to maintain mental health of students.


Optional Papers (E- Comparative Education)

To enable the pupil- teachers to:

·  enable the students to understand the concept of Comparative Education.

·  acquaint students about different agencies for promotion of Education.

·  understand the role of parents & teachers in education of girls.

·  know about Education in SAARC countries


Optional Papers (F- Computer Education)

To enable the pupil- teachers to:

·  study and Understand the nature and scope And the history of Computer Education develop an understanding of aims and objectives of teaching Computer Education by the use of Content

·  develop an understanding of the various methods, approaches and techniques of teaching Computer Education.

·  develop the skill to critically analyze the syllabus of secondary school Computer education curriculum


Optional Papers (G-

To enable the student-teachers to:

·  develop an understanding of the concept of curriculum Development and


Curriculum Development)

Innovations in Curriculum.

·  be familiar with Foundations of curriculum and Curriculum Implementation.

·  know about curriculum evaluation.


Optional Papers (H-

Course objectives:

·  To develop understanding of significant trends in in contemporary





India & Education)

·  To develop awareness of various organizations and their role in the implementation of policies and programmes.



·  To develop understanding of current problems and issues in Indian


